Monday, 16 September 2013

August Wrap Up

For my first post on this blog I have decided to do an August wrap up. If you are not familiar with what a wrap up is, it is where I show you what books I read in that month, what I thought about them and what I rated them out of 5 on GoodReads.
In August I was in a bit of a reading slump so I only managed to read 2 books, but I thought I would show you guys anyway.

The first book I read in August was Crossed by Ally Condie, which is the second book in the Matched trilogy.

I am not going to do a full review of this book because I am planning on doing a review of the trilogy once I have read the third and final book, which will hopefully be soon. After reading Matched I was excited to read Crossed and was hoping that the second book lived up to the first... which it didn't. I found Crossed to be boring and repetitive and I don't think that it was necessary to spread out the series over three books when they could have easily condensed the first and only made two books but I am not completely criticizing the series as I really enjoyed the first book but the second just did not live up to it. Anyway I ended up giving this book a 1/5 on GoodReads because I really didn't enjoy it.

The second and only other book I read in August was Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, which is the first in the Twilight series.

To my surprise I actually really enjoyed this book which I was not expecting because I had watched the film a couple of years ago and didn't really enjoy it that much but I decided to read it anyway and I am glad that I did now as it was a very good book. I gave this a 4/5 on GoodReads.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I am planning on doing one for each month. I would love to see what books any of you read in the month of August so please feel free to leave a comment.

Keep reading!

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